Scifinder is web-based software that needs little knowledge of command language or database intricacies, thus allowing direct end-user access to Chemical Abstracts mostly from 1907 onwards and Medline from 1950 onwards. The CASREACT portion contains information dating from 1840. Chemical Abstracts Service has been adding selected records to the datebase for the pre-1907 period. References to articles in two journals from the American Chemical Society, the Journal of the American Chemical Society (volumes 1-21; 1989-1899) and the Journal of Physical Chemistry (volumes 1-3; 1897-1899), were added to the database as were records from Journal of the Chemical Society, Tranactions (1878-1906). Over 18,700 records for US patents from 1900 to 1906 were added in 2006. In 2009 all citations from the Royal Society of Chemistry journal archives back to 1941 were added.
With SciFinder you can choose to search by research topic, author name, CA abstract number, patent number, chemical structure, molecular formula, chemical name, CAS registry number, functional groups in reactions, and bibliographic information.