IU Secure
IU Secure is the wireless network for students, faculty, and staff to access throughout the entire Chemistry building and Simon Hall. IU Secure utilizes WPA2 Enterprise (Wi-Fi Protected Access) for authentication and encryption.
Note: To gain full Internet access for your device on the IU Secure network, you must register the device’s MAC address. Before registering your MAC address, your device will be able to connect to IU Secure, but will not receive an IP address that allows a successful Internet connection.
For more, see At IU, how do I register my computer or other networked device?
How to connect to IU Secure:
Windows: 8, 7, XP: http://kb.iu.edu/data/ayax.html
Windows Phone: http://kb.iu.edu/data/atcn.html
Mac OS: 10.5+: http://kb.iu.edu/data/awxo.html
Mac iOS: http://kb.iu.edu/data/axhr.html
Android: http://kb.iu.edu/data/azle.html
Connect to IU Secure – PDF document